Saturday, February 16, 2013

[ Insight ] 台美教育文化差異

What are the differences between US and Taiwan education?

這陣子在美國西岸,每每看到念高中的堂弟、堂妹早上8點上課,下午二點就放學回家。沒有直接回家,也是跑去練舞、打球、隨校隊比賽、跳水。常常問自己,台灣的孩子,唸那麼多書到底是為了甚麼?? 我自己唸台北市前三志願的公立高中,書沒少讀過,為了考試,跑去補習班 - 劉毅英文,赫哲數學,殷非凡、陳立,這些在台灣"家喻戶曉"的"名人"。 剝奪了我們多少的時間,青春。比美國孩子多讀了這麼多倍的書,照道理來說,台灣小孩應該比美國孩子有那麼多倍的優秀吧,這是很合理的推論。但是,我併沒有看到這樣的結果,在美國的課堂上,亞洲的孩子考試有比較厲害嗎? 也許有一點點吧,但是報告、創作作品上,倒是未必能夠吃香。


Friday, February 8, 2013

[PHP] PHP Cheat Sheet

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
The source is from
"PHP and MySQL For Dummies, 4th Edition"
Janet Valade
ISBN: 978-0-470-52758-0

Statements to Create Programs

A  list of the PHP statements (with syntax) that you use when writing PHP programs:
array ( "key" => "value", … );
do { block } while (condition);
echo item;
for (startingval; endingval;incremnt) { block }
foreach( $array as $key => $value) { block }

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

[Server] .htaccess Cheat Sheet

a directory-level configuration file supported by several web servers

Here is a simple cheatsheet for the .htaccess file:
Enable Directory Browsing
Options +Indexes
## block a few types of files from showing
IndexIgnore *.wmv *.mp4 *.avi

Disable Directory Browsing
Options All -Indexes